21 Best Sources of Protein for Vegetarians



Protein is a fundamental supplement for the development of our muscles. It also keeps our hair and skin healthy. It likewise assists with keeping us feel full for a longer duration. If we have a protein rich food, it helps in quick recovery from medical illness. The quantity of protein required by our body differs from individual to individual. It depends on sex, age, lifestyle and other considerations like breastfeeding or pregnancy. Vegans need satisfactory protein.

21 Best high source of protein for vegetarians:

1. Lentils are great source of     fibre and proteins 2. Beans are essential staple    foods with huge quantity of     proteins 3. Hemp seeds are good     source of proteins, calcium,    iron, magnesium, selenium,    and zinc. 4. Green peas are quite     popular and nutritious 5. Quinoa is a protein-rich     gluten-free grain.


21 Best high source of protein for vegetarians:

6. Ezekiel bread contains     sprouted, organic legumes     and whole grains 7. Oats is one of the healthiest     grains and most nutritious     food item in the world. 8. Soy milk is a healthy     alternative to dairy milk and     contains soybeans 9. Chia seeds is nutritional    containing beneficial plant    compounds 10. Nuts are superfoods with      excellent source of proteins


21 Best high source of protein for vegetarians:

11. Wild rice is nutritional as it       is not stripped from its       bran 12. Edamame, tofu, and       tempeh contain soybeans.       Soybeans is an excellent        source of protein. 13. Avocado is a high      superfood with high      nutritional values. 14. Corn is one of the main      crops grown today. 15. Spirulina contains nutrients       that are beneficial for our       health.


21 Best high source of protein for vegetarians:

16. Vegetables rich in protein       are spinach, broccoli,       asparagus, potatoes,       artichokes. 17. Seitan contains gluten. It is       a mixture of wheat and      some spices. 18. Fruits like guavas, berries,       and banana have good       source of protein. 19. Nutritional yeast is a form       of dry deactivated yeast. 20. Mycoprotein is a great       source of non-animal-       based protein.


21 Best high source of protein for vegetarians:

21. Greek yogurt is a good      source of protein. It also      contains calcium and gut-     healthy probiotics.
