Each day is a fresh start. Take a strong breath, with a smile, and start again. Breathing exercises in yoga is also known as diaphragmatic breathing, or friendly breathing. Let us become an expert in breathing exercises in yoga and know the benefits. We should also understand the chest and belly breathing in our asana practice.

Yogic breathing is an expertise you’ll need it, to propel your training. To know yogic breathing, it’s important to understand how the chest and the belly breathing works. As in the yogic breathing the chest and belly work together, it is also known as “friendly breathing”. 

Breathing exercises are an essential section of yoga. Pranayama is the way we manage the breathing process. Each one ought to perform pranayama early morning before eating anything. It is advisable to keep a gap of three to four hours before you consume something to do the pranayama practice. Let’s see some of the effective breathing exercises in yoga that you should practice:

What is Pranayama?

Pranayama is a way of breathing that’s part of yoga and meditation. It resembles doing special exercises with your breath to make your body and mind feel better. By controlling how you inhale, you can become more relaxed, focused, and healthy. It’s important to learn from someone who knows how to do it right, so you don’t accidentally do it in a way that’s not good for you.

Types of Breathing Exercises / Pranayama Techniques:

1. Become an expert in Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramari Pranayama

Raise both the arms and carry the hands to the ears. Use the thumbs to press the fold of the ears to close the ears. Place the index and the center finger on the eyelids. Then, at that point, place the last two fingers above and underneath the lips.

Loosen your jaw, carry the attention to the focal point of the support. Take a profound breath in and afterward breathe out in a sluggish control way. Make deep steady humming sounds. Repeat the process for two more times. It is the simplest form of breathing exercise with many benefits, so you can become an expert by practising it.

2. Bhastrika Pranayama Breathing Exercise(Breath of Fire)

Bhastrika Pranayama

In bhastrika pranayama both the inward breaths and exhalations are profound and dynamic. Carry the arms at shoulder level with elbows twisted at ninety degrees. Every time you inhale take your arms up, as your belly goes out. What’s more, as you breathe out you pull your arms down as your belly goes in. Perform twenty of these counts.

Then take a few deep relaxing breaths. You should practice two more rounds. Relax and breath in a normal manner.

3. Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breathing Exercise)

1Kapalabhati Pranayama

In kapalabhati pranayama the attention is on dynamic exhalation and passive inward breath. As you breathe out your stomach goes in. We will begin with fifty strokes of this technique. Take a strong breath in and begin. Concentrate on strong exhalations, inhalation will spontaneous recoil involving no efforts.

You can keep your one hand on the belly, to see how it goes in with each exhalation, Keep going. Relax and take normal breaths. You may repeat the process to complete two more rounds. Relax!!

4. Kumbhaka Pranayama (Breath Retention in Yoga)

Kumbhaka Pranayama

Take a deep breath in and hold for thirty seconds. Touch your chin to the chest and close your anus and lift up from inside. After thirty seconds release your chest and anus. Repeat the same sequence for two times. We should perform three rounds.

Take ordinary breath. You can build the length as per your convenience. Start holding for thirty seconds, increase the holding time to a minute. This will depend on the strength of your lungs and body.

5. Nadi Shodhana Pranayama in Yoga(Alternate Nostril Breathing / Anulom Vilom)

Anulom Vilom

Fold the index finger and the middle finger of your right hand to make Vishnu mudhra. Then place the thumb on the right nostril. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in with your left nostril. Reverse your fingers to close the left nostril with the ring finger. Exhale from the right nostril. Do vice versa. Continue this for twelve rounds.

There should be no sound while you inhale or exhale. Make your exhalations as long as your inhalations. Concentrate on your breath. You may end by exhaling from the left nostril and bring your hands down to the knee.

6. Simhasana Breathing Exercise(Lion’s Breath in Yoga)

Simhasana (Lion’s Breath)

Take a deep breathe in inhaling through the nose. Then exhale out through the mouth with a “ha” sound (as if you were fogging up a window and creating a little fog there). As you inhale, lengthen up through the crown of the head. And as you exhale, press through your fingers, keep your tongue out and look up. It should be like a lion’s claws, taking help of the base of the palm.

So, spread the palms wide, inhale, lengthen through the crown of the head, exhale, “ha”. As you press out through the palms and exhale, draw the shoulder blades down and open through the chest. Repeat the sequence for five times. If you become an expert in this breathing exercises you will get many benefits from it.

How to find an instructor?

To find a yoga instructor, start by clarifying your goals—whether it’s flexibility, stress relief, or fitness. Search online through search engines, social media, and platforms like Sampoorna yoga. Ask for recommendations from friends or family who practice yoga. Visit local yoga studios to learn about their classes and instructors. Ensure instructors have proper credentials and certifications, like those from:

 Read reviews and attend trial classes to gauge their teaching style. Assess the class atmosphere for comfort and support. Don’t hesitate to ask questions about their teaching philosophy and experience, and consider both in-person and online options. Pay attention to your instincts to pick an instructor who aligns with your needs and preferences.

Benefits of Breathing Exercises:

1. Relaxes the nervous system

Breathing exercises helps to secrete neuro chemicals within the brain. It also stimulates the neurons. This gives instant relaxation to the body and mind.

2. Helps in weight loss

The breathing exercises tones the abdominal muscles and helps in reducing belly fat. It helps to burn fat and balance hormones in the body. You will see better absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body.

3. Boosts your mood

Our body gets accurate oxygen by performing breathing exercises. This keeps the blood clean and helps in fighting from bacteria and virus. This makes us feel happy and enhances our mood.

4. Removes stale air in the lungs

These exercises help to remove stale air that builds in the lower lungs. If you are not taking full breath and stretching the lungs, then the air builds up. And in fact, bad posture and tension in the body restrict proper breathing. This causes as much as thirty percent decrease in breathing capacity.

5. Improves quality of sleep by breathing exercises in yoga

Breathing exercises help to sleep better and wake up energized. It can also help people suffering from insomnia. We should practice the exercise before going to sleep at night.

6. Slows down the aging process

Breathing exercises helps in healthy weight management. It also keeps skin glowing, improves posture, and reduces wrinkles. All this helps to slow down the aging process.

7. Boosts the immunity

The breathing exercises improves the defence mechanism of our body. This in turn boosts immunity. Our body parts become healthy and functions in perfect manner. This helps to improve immunity.

8. Beneficial for your mental health

Your breath transports information to your heart, lungs, and brain. Perform it via autonomic nervous system. So, the breathing exercises improves our decision taking abilities. It increases memory, cognitive properties and brain functioning.

9. Improves concentration

Breathing exercises boosts your grasping power and it also makes you understand better. These exercises Is beneficial in proper flow of lymph. It will improve the efficiency in your body and mind.

10. Reduces stress and anxiety

Breathing exercises increase the oxygenation process in the body, that calms our mind. It helps in balancing the hormones releasing endorphins in the body. This is effective in reducing anxiety and stress.

11. Keeps the skin glowing

Breathing exercises increases the supply of oxygen in the body. This refines the blood movement in the body that keeps the skin glowing.

12. Improves Digestion

Breathing exercises helps in smooth functioning of our digestive system. This also helps to reduce gastrointestinal issues like constipation, indigestion, bloating etc.

13. Lowers your heart rate and blood pressure

Breathing exercises improves the functioning of our lungs. It strengthens the cardiovascular muscles and improves blood pressure. Regular performing the exercises reduces the chances of heart stroke.

14. Maximise energy from the breath

Breathing exercise provides calming effects and provides clean energy. The breathing pattern has an impact on your mental and physical state.

15. Detoxification of the body

Performing the exercise is helpful in eliminating carbon dioxide and unsafe gases. This is beneficial in body detoxification. The exercise assists in delivering the lymph around the body. It also eliminates strain from the body.

16. Breathing exercises Improves posture

Improper breathing may cause bad posture. While practising the breathing exercises you start sitting straight during the process. Stocking air in your lungs, this needs you to align up your spine.

4-7-8 Breathing Technique

The 4-7-8 breathing technique is a relaxing breath. The technique is a simple and powerful method for relaxation. It hardly requires few minutes at no cost. This is a practice that you have to do on regular basis. The first step is to breathe in for 4 seconds. In the second step you should grip the breath for 7 seconds. Blow out with force for 8 seconds. The breathing exercise aims to reduce anxiety and stress, and also helps induce sleep.

Find a comfortable seat for yourself. You can sit the way you like, soften free your shoulders. Shut your eyes. Inhale a strong breath through the nose. Breath in by counting 1-2-3-4. Shut your mouth and grip your breath counting from 1 to 7. Blow out air through your mouth counting from 1 to 8. Relax yourself. Repeat the sequence for 4 times. Take a normal breath.

You will get relaxation after practicing the technique. We should perform it twice a day. The best time is practice it once when you wake up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night. You can also perform it at night when you wake up from sleep, and are not able to sleep again. We can do it any time while working or travelling.

Anyone can become an expert in performing this breathing exercise in yoga. After practising it for at least six to eight weeks daily, you will see wonderful changes in your body and the benefits. It reduced blood pressure, heart rate, and improves congestion. The technique helps to control cravings and anger responses.

Breathing Exercises Definition

Breathing is a process of mass exchange of air. It is from the body during inhaling and exhaling. The exercise soothes the respiratory process by refining ventilation, revitalising respiratory muscles. It also improves stamina. This helps in pulmonary rehabilitation. While inspiring there is an enlargement of thoracic cage. Here the lungs to allow the air enter inside. During exhaling the thoracic cage and lungs decrease in size. It attains primary respiratory position to allow air pass out from the lungs.

Breathing exercise helps to shift from shallow fast breathing to deep slow breathing. Such exercises improve blood circulation, strengthens the muscles, improves breathing and reduces stress.


What is the first thing we do as soon as we are born? Breathe! And what is the last thing we do before we die? Breathe! Breath is essential for every living creature from birth to death. So, you see, breath is life. It is the foundation of our survival. But unfortunately, we don’t give it much attention. If we begin to give more attention to our breath it will boost the power. If we follow breathing exercises in correct manner, there are several benefits. It increases your efficiency and productivity. This enhances stamina and energy levels of body and mind.

The movement of breath and mind are co-related. Both help to keep each other steady. See, isn’t your breath powerful? The most powerful aspect the breath has that it is a channel between body and mind. It promotes mind and body coordination by balancing emotions and reducing impulsive behaviour. 

Breathing exercises help to correct your breathing irregularities for your longevity. A word of caution before you practice the breathing exercises. Avoid holding breath if you suffer from health issues. These issues are hypertension, cardiac problems, respiratory problems and depression. Consult your family doctor and then only practice if the doctor gives confirmation. Consult a certified yoga practitioner before starting these exercises. You may continue by yourself when you are comfortable and learnt the right way to perform them. Hope the information was helpful. Do write to us and suggest your valuable views and opinion.


Q1. What are the 5 golden rules for yoga breathing?

Ans: The five golden rules for yoga breathing are:
1.  Complete Breath: Inhale deeply, filling lower belly, ribcage, and chest. Exhale fully for optimal lung capacity.
2.  Diaphragmatic Breathing: Engage diaphragm for efficient breathing and oxygen exchange.
3.  Slow and Controlled Breathing: Breathe consciously and slowly, dividing breath into segments for relaxation and control.
4.  Nasal Breathing: Breathe through nostrils to filter, humidify, and activate relaxation response.
5.  Rhythmic Breathing: Maintain consistent rhythm for balanced and synchronized breath and energy.
Following these rules enhances pranayama practice and its benefits in yoga.

Q2. Do breathing exercises have benefits?

Ans: Yes, breathing exercises have many benefits. They can reduce stress, promote relaxation, improve lung capacity, enhance oxygenation, stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, aid in digestion, boost immunity, improve mental focus, regulate heart rate and blood pressure, support detoxification, and contribute to overall physical and mental well-being.

Q3. What is breathing yoga called?

Ans: Breathing yoga is commonly referred to as “Pranayama” in the practice of yoga. Pranayama includes different controlled breathing procedures intended to control and improve the flow of “prana” or life force energy in the body. These techniques focus on regulating the breath to influence physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of well-being. Pranayama is an integral part of traditional yoga practice and offers a range of benefits, including relaxation, stress reduction, improved concentration, and enhanced overall health.

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