Olive Oil Benefits for Skin

Olive oil is a Mediterranean diet that is comes from olives. The oil has many healthful advantages when consumed. Yet it is beneficial when applied to the skin and hair. The nutritional content present in olive oil is helpful for healthy diet. It is also beneficial for skin and hair health. Let’s dive deeper into the benefits of utilizing olive oil. It may be on your skin or hair. Let’s also find how to involve it for the best outcomes.

Are you aware of the fact that the largest and quickest organ developing in our body is our skin? Furthermore, that what we put on our body is pretty much as significant as what we put in our body. All those fragrant lotions and moisturizers have a list of ingredients. But they aren’t good for you. For quite a long time, we use extra virgin olive oil to ease day to day skin issues. Olive oil can help to enhance the supplements value of your beauty routine.

1. Clears, hydrates, and provides glow to the skin

The profit-making lotions that can obstruct pores and deteriorate current skin conditions. But olive oil enters into the skin. It also gives a purging impact. Olive oil has positive impact on skin health. Its good content in vitamins makes it a perfect product. The oil helps to protect and nourish all types of skin, even sensitive skin. Olive oil strengthens and energizes the skin leaving it soft and shiny.  

2. Delays sign of aging

Olive oil has antioxidant resources, that prevents oxidation. Oxidation is a technique that can create free radicals. They are synthetic compounds that might harm cells. Olive oil advances skin flexibility and reduces age spots. It also lifts cell recovery and oxygenation. The application of olive oil on the skin helps in cell reinforcements that may slow down aging. The oil also contains flavonoids, polyphenols. It also contains vitamin E that helps to keep the skin healthy and glowing.

3. Helps to repair damaged skin tissues

Olive oil has fat-solvent nutrients A, D, E and K. A part of these nutrients might be helpful for the skin. For example, the vitamin E content in the skin helps to treat a variety of skin conditions. These conditions include eczema and psoriasis. Olive oil is one of the gentlest home remedies. It helps to repair damaged skin tissues and restore its condition. Taking internal and external remedy using olive oil gives the best results.

4. Reduces Acne

Olive oil contains chlorophyll that acts as an antiseptic and contains anti-inflammatory properties. The oil also has antiseptic properties that work wonders to treat acne. Olive oil assists with killing the microscopic organisms. They could get captured inside the skin pores. It helps reduce inflammation and unclog the pores. The oil is beneficial as it exfoliates the skin. It also removes excess oil. The oil helps to reduce redness, pigmentation and acne. Adding olive oil in your diet energizes metabolism, helps easy digestion. Consumption of olive oil stimulates metabolism, promotes digestion. It also helps to grease mucous membranes. This also helps to treat acne.

5. Heals the wound

The vitamin A and E in olive oil strengthens the epidermis and makes it firmer. It also helps to stimulate collagen production. Any wound may be painful and take time to heal completely. Olive oil benefits skin with quick recovery from wounds. The oil prevents bacteria from infecting wounds and accelerates the process of healing. Olive oil contains essential fatty acids. This stimulates cell healing and quickens the process of wound healing.  Apply olive oil on the wound before washing it.

6. Protects against environmental damage

The oil protects the blood vessels from the damaging effects of air pollution. Olive oil has a very high concentration of an ingredient called squalene. The other oil that people consume have lower quantity of squalene. Squalene is good for our health. Applying olive oil on the skin helps from harmful substances. It does this by helping the skin’s regular sun impeding proteins. The oil moisturizes and fights bacteria.

7. Helps to remove makeup and/or sunscreen traces

You don’t have to invest in costly creams. They contain chemicals to remove makeup and sunscreen traces. The oil is the best product to remove even harsh makeup that may make your skin dry. Olive oil separates any water-resistant substances in eye cosmetics. This helps in deep cleaning of the skin. To remove eye cosmetics, add a couple of drops of olive oil to a cotton ball and wipe the eye area. Leave it for some time. If you are feeling oily on your skin, wash your face with warm water. Thus olive oil benefits skin and keeps it healthy over a long period.

8. Reduces and removes stretch marks

Stretch marks are very common during pregnancy, puberty, weight gain, weight loss. We want to remove these stretch marks so that our skin looks smooth and flawless. The fat of olive oil is compatible with the fat of our skin layer. Hence it brings evenness on your skin. Olive oil contains vitamin K that is an essential ingredient to reduce stretch marks.

Best Olive Oil for Skin & Hair

How to use Olive Oil on the Skin?

It’s an all-in-one skin care solution. From head to toe, you can use olive oil for about anything. Olive oil is an ingredient in many personal care products. They are face wash, body wash, soaps, and lotions. Alternate ways of utilizing olive oil on the skin include: Lotion and after sun treatment. Some people use olive oil as a moisturizing lotion. We can apply it to the skin before bloating off excess oil. But we can apply the oil to moist skin to forestall an oily inclination. Olive oil may be beneficial when applied following sun exposure.

We can peel the face and body. There are many ways to treat areas of dry or layered skin. An individual can blend olive oil and sea salt to make a scrub. Individuals ought to use fine-grained salt on the face and other delicate areas. We can use coarser grains on the rest of the body.

Olive Oil Benefits for Hair

Olive Oil Benefits for Hair

People recognize olive oil even as liquid gold. Olive oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. It helps to keep the hair shiny and healthy. The cuticles get strengthen, and the oil helps to reduce flaky skin and dandruff. This also helps to boost the blood circulation on the scalp and enhance healthy hair growth. The oil has amazing properties that delays greying of hair. Thus, we should examine how olive oil is beneficial for the hair.

1. Cures dandruff

Olive oil benefits hair as it is an excellent moisturizer that reduces dryness. This helps to fight dandruff and unblock the clogged follicles. The oil has vital nutrients that removes dandruff. 

For excellent results take olive oil, lemon juice and water in equal proportion. Blend them well and apply the combination on your scalp. Wash your hair after twenty minutes with a mild shampoo using warm water. The lemon removes the dandruff from the skin. Olive oil enhances the nourishment of scalp and hair.

Lemon is acidic in nature, so we should not keep the mixture for more than thirty minutes.

2. Treats split ends

The moisturizing properties of olive oil are beneficial for the hair. It helps to increase the elasticity and strengthen the hair. Olive oil contains ingredients that rehydrates the scalp. It also helps to tackle any sort of fungal infection. This is beneficial in treating split ends.

Olive oil adds weight to your hair and nourishes them. Take a couple of drops of olive oil between your fingers and run them completely through the tips of your hair. It acts as a serum, repairs the split ends and reduces the development of new ones. A warm oil massage on regular basis will help to nourish your scalp.

For quicker and improved results, cut off the split ends before you start the process.

3. Reduces hair breakage

Olive oil improves the volume and thickness of the hair and thereby keeps a check on breakage of hair. It is beneficial in enhancing the hair quality.

Take olive oil, cinnamon powder and honey in equal proportions and make a smooth paste. Apply the paste on the scalp and hair. Allow it to remain for around twenty minutes. Then wash your hair with lukewarm water.

4. Strengthens the hair

Olive oil benefits hair health as it contains vitamin E that helps to reduce frizzy ness and smoothens the hair. The oil contains anti-oxidants. It helps to keep the hair healthy and strengthen them.

You can mix an egg white with three teaspoon of olive oil and apply it on your scalp. Do not forget to apply the mix at the tips of the hair also. Let it stay for about twenty minutes and then wash your hair. There are enzymes present in egg whites that fights against bacteria and infection. The egg has high content of protein that nourishes and strengthens the hair.

5. Improves health and quality of hair

Olive oil is rich in anti-oxidants that supports hair growth. It also helps to fight against the damage caused by free radicals. Regular massage of olive oil in the scalp and hair helps fight bacteria and fungus. It strengthens the hair follicles and boost hair growth.

Take an avocado, remove the flesh and blend it in a blender. Add a tablespoon of olive oil and make a limp-free paste. You can add little water if needed. Make partitions of your hair and apply the paste to every section of the hair. Leave it for twenty minutes and then rinse your hair.

6. Moisturizes and conditions the scalp

Olive oil benefits hair quality as it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that soothes the scalp. It helps to nourish the follicles and improve the blood circulation. 

A good oil massage with warm olive oil will help to moisturize the scalp. Leave the oil overnight and wash it in the morning with a mild shampoo and warm water. A gentle massage with a mix of olive oil and honey in equal proportion will help to condition your hair.

7. Reduces DHT production

The production of a hormone called dihydrotestosterone causes hair loss. It damages the hair follicles and destroys the hair. Olive oil helps to block the production of this hormone and reduce hair fall.

Take a quarter cup of mayonnaise and add a tablespoon of olive oil to it. Mix the two to make a smooth paste. Wash your hair and towel dry them. Apply the paste all over the scalp and on the hair covering the tips. Let it stay for thirty minutes and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

8. Repairs damaged hair

Olive oil contains oleic acid that enters deep into the pores at the scalp and repairs the hair. It also contains squalene that hydrates the hair. The oil has high content of vitamin A and E that helps to repair and reverse damaged hair.

Add three tablespoon of olive oil to a tablespoon of coconut oil. Warm the mix and apply the oil on your scalp and hair making small sections of the hair. Cover your scalp and hair with a hot towel and keep it for twenty minutes. Wash the hair using shampoo and warm water. You can keep the oil overnight for better results. This process will prevent further damage of your hair and make them healthy.

Effective Olive Oil for Hair & Skin

How to use Olive Oil on the hair?

If you wish to make a hair mask from ingredients available at your home, olive oil is the best option. Cold-pressed extra virgin oil has excellent results. The accurate quantity of oil your hair requires differ from person to person. It is difficult to wash the olive oil, so it is preferable to use it before shampooing your hair.

You should start using olive oil with one tablespoon. You can increase the quantity, if required later when the oil suits your hair. We can add ingredients like aloe vera, avocado, eggs or honey to the oil for better results.

After applying the oil give a gentle massage to allow the oil reach the pores and get proper nourishment. You can either cover your head with a shower cap or a hot towel to give steam to your hair.

Rinse your hair with a good shampoo. You may have to repeat twice as olive oil has a thick consistency. If you have dry hair, use olive oil as a conditioner.

If you have got fine hair and prefer not to use pure olive oil, you can use products that contain extracts of olive oil. This will help you to get olive oil benefits for hair without any burden.


Olive oil provides many dermatological benefits. You can assign them to a wide variety of bioactive compounds present in it. These compounds may be like phenols to fatty substances. All these compounds make olive oil an excellent option. They help to manage skin and hair conditions.

There are many products in the market that contain olive oil. But you can make olive oil-based products at home. While doing so, you must confirm that you are not allergic to the oil or other ingredients used in the product. It is safe to do a patch test first.

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